Everybody has fears! Some choose to move despite their fears, while others are paralyzed and imprisoned! But if you are ruled by fear, you are not living! You know prison isn’t just a place…but a state of mind! You may appear free to others on the outside, while internally incarcerated by fear. But facing and overcoming our fears, can be the key that unlocks our prison doors. It frees us to walk into the opportunities that come with having the courage to pursue our passion and purpose!
I can remember times when I let my fears drive my decisions and it limited what was possible for me during that time. There was a time in my life when I had a lot going on and was experiencing anxiety. I remember meeting with a counselor and him asking me to write down all my fears and none of them came true! This makes me wonder as I look back, why I wasted so much time on things that did not come true? I learned from that experience and now have a totally different approach to handling fear. I have resolved never to let fear rule my life or dictate my decisions.
Zig Ziglar defines fear as False Expectations Appearing Real! I love his definition of fear as it speaks to the fact that many fears are irrational. We often worry about things that we cannot control and or things that simply will not come true. So, you may be asking what are some things I can do to overcome fear? Well, I’m glad that you asked!
4 Ways to Overcome Fear:
- Operate Despite Fear–Remember fear is just a feeling! Nelson Mandela says courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it! We assume that successful people or people who have done great things are not afraid and that is simply not true, they move despite fear. We must learn to replace our fear with faith and allow our passion to be greater than our fear.
- Remember Failure Is Not Fatal-Learn and push through failure. You can come back. Failing is not usually the end of the world but is often part of the process to success. Stay tuned for my video: “Never Give Up,” where I will discuss further.
- Speak Life-Talk and focus more on why you should, instead of why you shouldn’t. Stop doubting yourself and speaking negative and destructive thoughts! Focus more on the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. There will always be something that can go wrong but that should not be your main focus!
- Think About the Life You Want– You want to know that you are living your best life with no regrets. You don’t want to come to the end of the road and realize that you never really lived because of your fears!
When you make the decision to operate despite your fears, realize failure is not fatal, speak life, and endeavor to live a life with no regrets, it is then that greatness will truly await you! Face your fears and don’t let anything stop you from going after what is important to you!
Remember, Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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