(Mask by S2F SWAG!)
I used to want to do so many things in my life but often let perfectionism or the fear of failure stop me from moving forward. I remember one time my wife telling me to stop waiting for everything to be perfect to start something. She was essentially telling me in the spirit of Nike to “Just do it!”
How many of you have dreams but sit there and focus on everything that could potentially go wrong instead of focusing on what could go right? Or do you focus more on your fears than focusing more on the opportunities that lie ahead?
When you flip that switch in your mind to the “Just do it” mentality or impossible means nothing aka “beast mode” … you are well on the road to realizing your purpose or personal legend! You transition from the bondage or mindset of fear and better position yourself to realize your passion and purpose!
It is this empowered mindset that gets you on the road to achieving the greatness that awaits you! When you understand what your assignment is on earth and pursue it with your might… you will do things that will blow your mind and create a positive impact on the lives of others!
However, if you do not face your fears, greatness will elude you every time and you will be included with the millions who never realize their passion and purpose during their lives! You will be counted among those who played it safe and were plagued by the curable disease of doubt, fear, and low expectations. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure”-The Alchemist.
I want to be counted among those who faced their fears and lived boldly and courageously! I want to be lockstep with those who pushed passed the fear of failure to achieve their purpose in life! Count me among those who say, “Goodbye Fear!” and “Hello Passion and Purpose!” Will you join me?
For a little inspiration on overcoming fear, checkout my video 4 Ways to Overcome Your Fears:
Make Today Great!
Remember, Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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Thank.you Powerful!
Powerful and true
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