A good friend was working out and became frustrated because he couldn’t lift as much weight as he used to-due to an injury.
I listened to his frustration and responded, “It’s Okay, you are doing your best…your best is different when you are injured than when you are fully healed.”
He replied, “That was exactly the encouragement I needed to move forward!”
Most want to excel at whatever they do. I personally am committed to excellence. However, there are times when our best is just the best we can do in that moment!
Give yourself and others some grace. Sometimes we are simply doing the best we can!
-Keep pushing and believing💪🏾🙏🏾!
For more inspiration, see book link:
Get a copy of my new book Greatness Awaits You! on Amazon today!
Click Here to Purchase Greatness Awaits You! 23 Ways to Unlock the Greatness Within
Remember Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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