When you are trying to achieve your goals, there will be distractions that don’t deserve your attention. There are social media and news alerts, people who constantly complain and criticize you and others. Finally, self-doubt will creep up on you and lead to procrastination that sabotages your ability to achieve your career or life aspirations.
This week stay focused and quit throwing rocks at every barking dog that tries to disrupt your focus. Just because something or someone is barking doesn’t mean that it warrants your attention or response. Fill your mind with positive self-affirmations that keep you motivated and focused.
Remember the moment when you are about to break through and achieve your dreams is when the dogs bark the loudest! Have discernment and stay on task as you move closer to unlocking your greatness.
Keep pushing and believing!
For more inspiration, see book link:
Get a copy of my book Greatness Awaits You! on Amazon today!
Click Here to Purchase Greatness Awaits You! 23 Ways to Unlock the Greatness Within
Remember, Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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