
Founder and Chief Motivator

Carlos faced many challenges in life: poverty, fatherlessness, depression, and job losses. But despite those obstacles, he remained steadfast in his desire to succeed.  He became the first in his family to attend college (MBA from Robert Morris University) and rose to the level of senior vice president at Bank of America.  He eventually left the corporate arena and is living his passion and purpose as a motivational speaker and nonprofit and community leader.

Although his journey has not been easy, it has positioned him to become a leader who leads with passion and purpose and he is ready to help you do the same!
His vision is for you to become a better leader who discovers your value, passion, and purpose with the ultimate goal of realizing your full potential in life.  He believes that everyone is a seed, representing the potential to grow into something great. However, in order for a seed to grow, it needs good soil, water, and the correct temperature. Too often, just like seeds, people don’t realize their potential because they do not have the basic necessities to achieve their goal. 
Moreover, we are often crippled by doubt, fear (worrying about what others think) and low self-esteem and expectations. When we discover our value, passion, and purpose, we become well positioned to take hold of the greatness that awaits us!
At seeds2fruit motivation, it is our mission to help people realize their value, passion, and purpose – no matter their background or current circumstances or level of success. Our vision is for all people to achieve the greatness that awaits them! Contact us today to speak at your next event or seminar. Let him inspire you to become the leader everyone wants to follow as you discover your value passion and purpose!  Greatness awaits you at seeds2fruit motivation! 

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