My Story
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was meeting with my manager, and he said, “You are not adding value.” Wow…that really hurt! Although his words may have seemed cruel – and yes, I was devastated – he was right.
I have always been an overachiever (didn’t always realize it), but the fact that I was not adding value really cut like a knife. Although my manager may not have meant to degrade me, he did. In my mind, I heard subconsciously that I was worthless! To make a long story short, that job did not work out for me. I eventually moved on, which in the end, was in my best interest and the company’s.
Months down the road, I met with a counselor and shared the experience with him. He made a very poignant point:
“Just because you don’t add value in the job, does not mean that you won’t add value somewhere else.” Wow, his advice was a eureka moment for me. My true watershed moment came after I owned and internalized that advice. It took me a little longer to get to that point. This brings me to my big lesson from this negative experience: Know Your Value and Where It Fits In.
Now I Get It!
As I reflect on my interview experience for that job, in some ways, I think that I knew subconsciously that I should not have taken the position. But, I believe I accepted it because I had a family to feed and not many other options. I simply quieted that internal voice. However, following the experience and talking to friends and family, they said that they did not think the job was a good fit for me. (Oh, now they tell me.)
These experiences really helped me to reflect upon my value and where I fit in. I took the time to reevaluate my passion, purpose, and value. And yes, my counselor was right; I could and would add value in other places. This experience has also well-positioned me to help others discover their value and purpose!
Shortly after this experience, I started doing some consulting for a nonprofit organization, and the employees really appreciated my skill set and value. During this consulting role, I was further encouraged to pursue my professional dreams and continue my motivational speaking and inspiration. They encouraged me to share my message of hope, empowerment, and encouragement with all people. I also met some of the most incredible people on Earth! Wow, it’s awesome when people see your value, but it’s even greater when you discover and realize your own value and where it fits in! Were it not for them or my negative experience, I would not have started www.seeds2fruitmotivation, nor would have written this blog post today!
My newfound success and appreciation reinforced the words of that counselor who told me that others would appreciate my value. I was able to leverage my talents and passion, and yes, my value.
Here are a few thoughts I would like to leave with you:
1-Understand your value – Understand your talents and know your strengths and weaknesses.
2-Know where your value fits in – Just because you have talents and skills etc., does not mean they fit in everywhere. Make sure you apply your talents, etc., where they will fit.
3-Your value is not defined by your job or performance (will write more about this later) – Your value is your value, and it is intrinsic. It’s not based on job performance or someone else’s opinion of you.
Stay positive and know that you are valuable no matter how others may make you feel!
Remember, Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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