Recently, I called a friend to help me resolve a problem. During our conversation…I learned that he had a bigger problem than mine! He was on leave because he had a heart attack while working in his office.
I was stunned and said, “What happened?” He responded that he had been working 16 to 20-hour days for months with very few off days and literally had a heart attack at work due to exhaustion and stress that complicated and exacerbated existing health issues. According to the American Heart Association, more research is needed on the relationship between stress and heart attacks, but they agree that it can lead to behaviors and practices that can lead to heart disease.
I processed his story in my mind for a while and thought, ” I have to share this on my blog as how many people are in jobs and situations that are literally killing them. They may need to make some changes ASAP!” I personally remember working in a job that I needed very much but was dealing with so much toxicity that I was having chest pains. I literally called my boss and said that things needed to change, or I am going to have to resign. When I told my wife this…she said, ” I cannot believe you told them that because you need your job.” Keep in mind that my wife was scared as I had experienced job losses in the past. Do not get me wrong, I needed that job and was scared as I did not know how I would provide for my family. Notwithstanding, I was more afraid for my health and life as I had not experienced frequent chest pains or any chest pains at work before. Fortunately, the situation worked itself out over time. Although, I did not go to the hospital, I strongly recommend that you call 911 ASAP if this occurs.
Many people say that their job is going to kill them or give them a heart attack, but when it happens that is a bad omen. I asked my friend what went through his mind during the heart attack and he said, ” All I could think about was my children and who was going to take care of them.” He was a single father at the time and has since remarried.
When you have a heart attack at work or on the verge …that is a sign that it is time for change! He did tell me that going forward he has made the decision to put his family first. When the job calls him in to work and he has plans with his family, the answer will now be, “No!”
I can empathize with my friend’s situation and told my friend that I understand he must provide for his family. I also encouraged him to create an exit plan to leverage his skills and talents in a space where he does not have to put his life and health on the line daily. He mentioned that his job has good health benefits and security, but I told him that no matter how good the benefits…If he is dead they won’t help him much and his family will not be in a good place either. He responded that he never looked at that perspective and that I have given him some things to ponder.
I know that many people around the world are in tough situations with jobs as millions are unemployed and options are few during COVID-19. No one wants to be in the position to make a choice between providing for their family and saving your health or life. You must also ask yourself the question, “What will happened if I am no longer around because of the impact of my job on my health? ” Who will take care of your families then? While your family is grieving, your employer will just replace you and move on.
To all of you who are reading this, I want to encourage you to always put your health first as no job is worth leaving this earth for. Sometimes we look at our situations and do not see options or have been beat down in work cultures and don’t realize the value and skills we bring to the table. I would encourage you to take inventory of your skills, talents and how they can be leveraged: whether it is via starting your own business, furthering your education and or strategically preparing yourself for future opportunities to get paid leveraging your passion and purpose. Over a year ago I told people that no job is worth your sanity in my viral LinkedIn article: Get Out! I also would add that no job is worth your health either. When you are on the verge of a heart attack or have one at work…Enough is Enough! No one wants to take their last breath at work!
For more information on leveraging your value, skills and career transitions, check out some of my other articles:
Under Construction: Navigating from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be!
5 Ways to Increase Your Value!
Go for It!: What Is Holding You Back from Pursuing Your Dreams!
It Cut Like a Knife: Understanding Your Value and Where It Fits!
-Make Today Great!
Remember, Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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Thanks Carlos keep up the good work! Daniel
Thanks Daniel…I appreciate your support!