My mentee sent me a random text that threw me off guard. I am used to answering questions, but this one caught my attention. He asked, “What drives you to be successful?” I thought about it for a quick second and responded, “Wow…good question! No one has ever asked me that. It is my quest to live my life fully. My desire to get the most out of life and positively impact the lives of others!”
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful, but it is also important to evaluate what is driving our success.
It is important that our motives are built on things that are substantive and not superficial. At the end of the day, the car you drive or house you own may be nice, but it really is not that important! It’s not what you drive that really matters but what is driving you!
Take time this week to evaluate your motives. Let the things that matter most drive your success!
-Make today great!
For inspiration, see book link:
Get a copy of my book Greatness Awaits You! on Amazon today!
Click Here to Purchase Greatness Awaits You! 23 Ways to Unlock the Greatness Within
Remember, Greatness Awaits You!
Carlos T. Carter
Founder & Chief Motivator
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